A NEW era of parking enforcement starts on Monday in Preston and Leyland when a new scheme called ParkWise begins.

ParkWise will see the handover of enforcement for on-street parking from the police to local councils.

The initiative, which decriminalises parking offences, will target motorists leaving their cars in places such as on double yellow lines or in disabled bays.

Parking attendants, employed by NCP on behalf of the councils, will issue Penalty Charge Notices to drivers found to be parking illegally.

Chiefs at Preston City Council (PCC) and South Ribble Borough Council (SRBC) say it will mean better roads for everyone, not just motorists.

Disabled wheelchair user John Coxhead agreed.

Mr Coxhead, 61, of Bristol Avenue, Leyland, said: "People are always parking in disabled bays when they shouldn't, the only way to stop it is to hit people in the pocket."

ParkWise was originally to be introduced in April, but was delayed to July, and then September due to a red tape bungle between Lancashire County Council, who are handling the transition for the district council, and the Department for Transport (DfT).

The Citizen revealed in July that because of the blunder Preston was left with only one parking attendant and Leyland with none. Now, from Monday, Preston will have 13 parking attendants and Leyland three.

Councillor John Swindells, PCC executive member for environment, said: "We hope improved enforcement will encourage drivers to park sensibly, keeping the streets clearer and safer for pedestrians, and improve traffic flow."

Fines of £30 will be charged, rising to £60 if not paid within 14 days, and to £90 after 28 days, with the money going back into the running of the scheme. Police will still deal with motorists causing an obstruction.