WHITEFIELD junior wardens will take centre stage at the next area board.

The youngsters, who work under the guidance of Whitefield's street wardens, will present a report on the work they have carried out since their group was formed two years ago.

The group of young people, who attend Whitefield Primary School, have taken part in a range of environmental projects, including clean-ups and community garden projects.

They have carried out a clean-up of Victoria Estate and tidied Thatch Leach Lane open space after a recent fun day.

At the meeting, the junior wardens will also explain how adults can do their bit to help improve the area.

The chairman of Whitefield and Unsworth area board, Coun Joan Grimshaw, said: "I am delighted that these young people are coming along to talk to us and tell us what they think. It's all too easy to point the finger at young people, so let's give them some credit for helping others and improving the area."

The area board will be held on Monday, September 13, at Castlebrook High School, Parr Lane, Unsworth.

The meeting starts at 7pm and other items on the agenda include new licensing laws and how they effect people in Whitefield and Unsworth.

There will also be a chance for people to air their views during the open forum.

For more information about the area board, contact area co-ordinator Rose De on 0161 253 7344 or 5107.