ANGRY community leaders have called for dogs to be banned from a Nelson burial site over claims that owners were allowing their pets to foul graves.

But councillors have turned down calls to fence off parts of Nelson Cemetery. Instead they are looking to install specially-designed "cattle grids" for dogs that will keep out the pets.

The grids are just one of several ideas put forward designed to cut down on dog fouling in the burial ground at Nelson Cemetery, after concerns were raised by the town's Muslim community.

Other ideas include banning dogs from the cemetery and issuing fines to dog owners whose pets foul the grounds.

Park rangers could also be asked to remind dog owners to keep animals on a lead.

The issue was first raised at a meeting of the Nelson Committee last month but will come back before councillors on Monday when a possible by-law banning dogs will be discussed.

Khalid Mehmood, Imam at the Ghosia Mosque in Nelson, said: "Graves of every religion should be respected and in many cemeteries dogs are not allowed in.

"In Nelson, however, you can see dogs off their leads and walking over and fouling graves. It is not nice for people who have gone to pay respects to loved ones.

"Stopping dogs going into the cemetery is the best way forward. There are plenty of other places for people to take their dogs for a walk. Why not go there, or at least leave dogs outside the gates like when people go to the shops?"

The meeting on Monday is expected to recommend councillors consider asking the executive to look at a by-law banning dogs, and ask the Environment, Leisure, Rural Affairs and Scrutiny Committee to carry out a major review of cemetery access across the borough looking at the problem of dogs, fencing and opening and closing times.