HYNDBURN Council workers chased a thief who stole a saw from the back of their truck.

The vehicle was in Tremellen Street, Accrington, at around 9.15pm yesterday when the offender struck.

He was disturbed by the workers who gave chase, but didn't catch the thief who stole a Stihl saw, worth £400.

The offender was described as a white male in his late 20s or early 30s, with short, thick, black hair, a blue and white striped tracksuit top and dark coloured tracksuit bottoms.

A second Stihl saw was stolen from another council vehicle, in the Willow Lane depot, yesterday between 5pm and 10pm. Police believe the two thefts are connected.

Anyone with information is asked to telephone Accrington police on 382141 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.