HYNDBURN Council has had its knuckles rapped after changing its mind at the last minute on a scheme to give the controversial Scaitcliffe fountains a makeover.

For years the council has been criticised for the state of the fountains, and earlier this year the authority gave the go-ahead for a scheme which has now transformed the square into a pleasant seating area.

But environmental and regeneration body Groundwork East Lancashire -- which was helping with the organisation of the work -- has criticised the council for pulling the plug on a piece of public art which was due to be built on the area.

Groundwork has even revealed that it had got as far as asking a metalwork artist to start coming up with designs.

Mike Parr, chief executive of the group, sent a letter to Hyndburn Council. In it, he said: "I do wish to put on record Groundwork East Lancashire's disappointment over the way the council belatedly decided against the proposed artwork for the fountains after formally commissioning us to include this within the overall design concept."

The fountains were originally installed at a cost of £150,000 to complement the regenerated Globe Centre, but only worked for a matter of weeks.

The centrepiece of the square is now a historic wheel from an engine donated by Church-based firm William Blythe.

At a meeting of the council's cabinet, due to take place next week, plans to scrap the artwork -- which would have honoured the area's industrial past -- are set to be rubber-stamped.

Today Coun Peter Britcliffe, leader of Hyndburn Council, defended the decision.

He said: "We have a new policy in this council and that is 'plain, simple and nice'.

"These are not the most fashionable words these days, but we are actually delighted with the end product. People sit having their lunch there, which they never did before.

"We are delighted with the result, but there are those who think differently and they are entitled to that view. Knuckles may have been rapped, but we never committed, we only asked for suggestions."