PRIMARY schools in the borough have been singled out for government praise after the SATs tests.

Figures showed that older primary pupils have made the grade in English and maths by a wider margin than ever.

The results of Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) for the borough showed a rapid improvement in 11-year-olds' performance over the last 12 months.

This year in Bury, 82 per cent of 11-year-olds are now considered up to speed in maths, being able to meet or exceed the national standard. This represents an improvement of seven per cent in just 12 months.

Results for English went up by four points in the same period, with 81 per cent of pupils performing well.

The figures nationally in English are 77 per cent and in maths 74 per cent.

In science, Bury's 88 per cent result exceeded the national average by two per cent.

Unveiling the latest results, education minister David Miliband praised Bury's teachers and support staff.

He said: "It is a great achievement to be one of the fastest-improving towns. Parents and pupils can be sure that their primary schools are getting better."

Last year's figures for all subject areas were already well above average.

Councillor Maggie Gibb, Bury Council's executive member for lifelong learning, said: "We are delighted that the 11 year old children in Bury have achieved some of the most improved results in the country this year, from an already high starting point.

"The English results show that Bury is now among the highest performing local education authorities in the north west, and in maths the highest performing.

"This reflects the dedication and hard work of pupils, parents and staff in Bury schools."

For pupils at 14, Bury has secured more moderate improvements in SATS tests, while pupils at seven have maintained a high performance in reading, writing and maths.