A COMMUNITY artist who brought to life the heritage of Prestwich is to share his skills at a special festival.

Darren "Brad" Bradshaw is responsible for creating an eye-catching piece of art in the Longfield Centre.

The mosaic, made of colourful ceramic tiles, is a stand alone piece situated at the entrance to the tunnel near the Longfield Suite.

It is meant to reflect the heritage of Prestwich and Brad even used clay casts of old street signs and iron railings in the piece, which he found dotted around the village.

After living in Prestwich for 10 years, Brad has recently moved to Rydal Close in Bury, where he works from a studio.

He will return to the village on Saturday, September 11, to showcase his talents at a Patronal Festival at St Mary's Church.

The festival is part of the Civic Trust's heritage days that take place around the country and has been organised in conjunction with Prestwich Heritage Society and the Parish Church.

The Grade I listed building will open its doors to visitors throughout the weekend and events have been arranged for the Saturday.

Brad will be around to give demonstrations on his tiling technique from 1pm to 5pm and some of his surplus tiles will be on sale.

Other events include demonstrations of hand spinning, quilting, ecclesiastical embroidery and willow weaving.

There will be stalls, refreshments and children's activities plus a chance to try bell ringing in the church tower.

The festival will culminate in a medieval concert on Saturday evening at 8pm, in the church.

Tickets are £5 including light refreshments and a free glass of wine and are available from Prestwich Library, the Church Inn, Prestwich, and Bury Tourist Information Office.

Brad (40) said: "The mosaic reflects the working classes of Prestwich, the cotton mills and what a beautiful place it was. I researched Heritage Society books and spoke to local landlords and the church groundsman."