MP Ivan Lewis has urged town hall planners to "get a move on" with proposals for a new supermarket in Whitefield.

The Bury South MP has urged Bury Council to give a speedy "thumbs-up" to the revised application from Dransfield Properties Ltd for a Morrisons store.

The company re-submitted their plans in June after being sent back to the drawing board by the planning committee in March.

After several months scrutinising its application, Dransfield came up with a new scheme which it felt answered all the concerns raised by the committee members.

The developer brought forward the store to front Bury New Road and agreed to locate the car park at the rear.

As a result the main entrance to the car park would be off Stanley Road and not Elms Street as first proposed.

A spokesman for Dransfield said the firm had submitted all relevant paperwork to Bury Council and hoped the application would be determined at the next planning meeting on September 28.

However, the planning department said no date had been fixed yet as Council engineers were in discussions with Morrisons over a highways issue.

Mr Lewis said: "There is no doubt that the revised application is a major improvement and responds directly to the planning committee's previous concerns. There is now no reason for the Dransfield application to be refused or unduly delayed. My view is that they should get on with it."

He added: "I hope the planning committee will take an early opportunity to approve the Morrisons scheme. This will give local residents and business people a major boost and ensure necessary construction can begin as soon as possible."

Chief planning officer Brian Daniel said: "I would like a report to go to the September meeting but this has to ready by the 14th or 15th. If there is a problem with the highway we have to come to an agreement before then."

Dransfield Properties is one of two applicants for the site at the corner of Bury New Road and Stanley Road.

David McLean Homes want to build a Tesco store, shops, bars and apartments but their plan is currently on hold while they make amendments.