RESIDENTS can have their say on how cash earmarked for a neighbourhood green should be spent.

At a consultation event being held tomorrow on the Olive Lane green, Darwen, from 11am to 3pm, residents can submit their ideas to council representatives.

The park will benefit from a chunk of £268,000 from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister handed to Blackburn with Darwen Council to improve its green spaces.

Options suggested so far include installing lighting, building a new children's play area and cutting back the bushes around the bowling green.

But planners are open to any ideas and are especially keen for youngsters to have their say.

They have been working with local schools and youth clubs to poll opinion.

Children can submit their drawings and designs to consultants on the day.

The event will be topped off with a cheerleading display, bowling competition, bouncy castle and a clown.

Volunteers who would like to form a Friends of Olive Lane Park Group are also invited.