A POLICE officer is launching a one-man crusade to help encourage community cohesion in Rossendale.

PC Dave Greenwood has set up a police football team to compete against residents' groups to help break down barriers in the community.

The move aims to get people more involved in their local communities, and help improve relationships between people from different ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds.

And the ambitious officer is urging sponsors to come forward and support the initiative.

PC Greenwood, who works from Bacup Police Station, and lives in Burnley, said: "The team will be made up of police officers and support officers from the Rossendale Valley.

"The idea behind it is to forge links with the community, and help break down some of the barriers that exist in Rossendale by showing a human side to the police."

He added: "I am hoping to stay injury free, so I hope people will take it easy on us.

"We are hoping that the idea will take off and we'll be able to launch ourselves into a league within the next 12 months.

"We also need to find a pitch that we can hire on a regular basis, which we are hoping to get sorted in the next week."

Any local companies interested in sponsoring the teams will get their names put onto the strips in conjunction with Rossendale Police.

The first fixture has been arranged for September 12 against an Asian team called Attock, from Haslingden. The venue is yet to be confirmed.

PC Greenwood added: "If there are any teams in Rossendale who would like to play us then we would urge them to get in contact with us."

Anybody interested in taking part should contact PC Greenwood on 079525 92764, or 0845 1253545, or email him at David.Greenwood @Lancashire.pnn.police.uk