MP JANET Anderson is stepping up her battle to tackle anti-social behaviour in Rossendale both at Westminster and the town hall.

Following the latest in her series of meetings on the issue, she will be raising it with Ministers in the House of Commons and with the borough council.

Mrs Anderson, local councillors and community police officer Alec Downham attended a public meeting at Stacksteads to hear local residents' fears about youngsters, often drunk, causing mayhem.

It follows her investigating similar problems on the Hall Carr Estate in Rawtenstall and Pennine Road in Bacup.

The Stacksteads residents said things were improving but not fast enough.

They praised the way the police were now working more closely with local councillors and residents leaders and in particular they praised the work of the Group Intervention Panel (GRIP) which operated across Rossendale, Burnley and Pendle to identify youngsters at risk of a life of crime. Mrs Anderson has agreed to raise GRIP in the Commons with Ministers and seek extra money to expand its activities.

And she is also going to tackle Rossendale Borough Council over concerns from the Bacup residents that it does not have a proper coherent policy to tackle anti-social behaviour by young people -- particularly those living in council accommodation.

Rossendale and Darwen MP Mrs Anderson said: "The council has agreed to look at my idea of probationary tenancies for new residents of council accommodation lasting three months.

"I am concerned at reports that they don't have a proper policy for tackling anti-social behaviour involving their tenants and I shall be raising this issue with them.

"I shall also raise on the question of extra funding for GRIP at Westminster. One of the clear things that have come out of the meetings is that parents should take more responsibility for their children and face punishment if they misbehave. I shall be pursuing this issue as well."

Mrs Anderson welcomed Prime Minister Tony Blair's strong support for Anti Social Behaviour Orders to crack down on yobs.

And she also welcomed new powers proposed in the Consultation Paper "Tackling Crime and Reassuring the Public" including the appointment of anti social behaviour ambassadors.Mrs Anderson said: "Strengthening police officers' powers of arrest, improving the use of warrants and giving more power to community safety officers are essential if we are to continue to tackle this blight on our communities."