I WOULD like to request your help in urging all people travelling to a malarial country to seek health advice from a doctor, nurse or pharmacist well in advance of travelling.

Deaths due to malaria are on the increase among UK travellers. Every year 2000 British people contract malaria, and last year 16 people died from the disease.

It is unfortunate that so many UK travellers risk ruining their holidays, and potentially their lives, by not being informed about the risks of malaria. Those travelling to regions where malaria occurs, need to understand that this is a potentially fatal disease and everyone is susceptible whether they are staying in four star hotels or visiting their friends and relations.

Almost all deaths from malaria are preventable. Please ask your readers to take the time to get proper advice and protect themselves from this deadly disease.

Further information can be obtained on the interenet www.malariahotspots.co.uk

Sir Ranulph Fiennes