SEEING the Preston Citizen's headline: 'Families in a jam over traffic', and the residents' concerns regarding parking at and in the vicinity of the Royal Preston Hospital (RPH) has prompted me to write this letter.

Since all the facilities at the Sharoe Green Hospital will eventually be moved to the RPH and other hospitals then why not use the Sharoe Green site as an additional car parking facility from which a mini-park and ride could be operated.

A pay and display car park of moderate size already exists at Sharoe Green Hospital so why not extend it. In the future, as this hospital is systematically closed, then areas could be developed into further car parking areas to keep pace with the ever-increasing patient and visitor-needs at the RPH.

The payment system could be altered to incorporate a charge for the mini-bus system.

As the distance to the RPH is very short then only a minimal number of buses would be needed to be provide an adequate 'shuttle service'.

Mr Ernest Rawcliffe, Oakland Glen, Walton-le-Dale, Preston.