AN Elvis fan today told how she was punched in the face as she fought off robbers trying to steal a cherished memento of The King.

Linda Taylor, 49, was left bruised but still holding her Elvis Presley bag following an attempted robbery as she walked home in Audley Range, Blackburn.

Today she said: "They weren't having my Elvis bag. It has his picture on it and is my pride and joy. My partner bought it for me.

"I am glad I held on to it but I did think afterwards that it was stupid and that I should have let them have it."

Linda, a mum of two, had been to a chip shop at 6.30pm on Wednesday when she saw four men appear from behind a grass verge.

She said: "I thought they were going to run past me but they said they wanted my bag. I said 'you are not having it'. Then they started pushing me and grabbing at the bag.

"I still wouldn't give it to them and one of them punched me. I didn't see it coming at all. Then they laughed and ran off.

"It seemed like it lasted for five minutes but it was probably a lot less."

Linda was left sore and shocked. Her doctor has prescribed tablets to take away the pain around her right cheekbone and eye.

She said: "I felt really ill afterwards. I think it was the shock, I was absolutely terrified.

"It has really knocked my confidence. I had to go to the doctors before and I was really scared, even though it was nearby."

Detective Sergeant Paul Ryan added: "It was a nasty attack, particularly with her being on her own and being punched in the face.

"She had a quite secure hold on the bag and all credit to her."

The gang were Asian men in their early 20s. One was 5ft 8ins tall, with broad shoulders, shaved black hair and was wearing a white tracksuit and white trainers.

Another was 5ft 9ins tall, thin, short black hair, had a moustache and was wearing a black jacket and black trousers.

Anyone with information should call Blackburn CID on 01254 353569 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.