COUNCILLORS are set to decide the fate of an infamous Blackpool massage parlour over accusations that it is a brothel.

Bosses at Pleasures Escort and Massage, Dale Street, will face the council's Development Control Committee for alleged breach of planning control during a meeting on Monday, September 6.

It comes after a series of complaints from local residents about activities on the premises prompted a spot inspection by police, fire and council planning officials on August 20.

The premises - which are within the 'main holiday area' of the resort's Local Plan - are currently licensed as a ground-floor retail unit with a 'residential only' first floor. But in a report to councillors inspectors claim that prostitution and other "sex-related entertainment" is being offered on a "commercial basis" on the first floor.

In addition to this it is alleged that prostitutes from the Essex and Wolverhampton areas operate from the premises over the lucrative weekend period.

They report: "The premises has been advertising prostitution and sex-related entertainment in the local press.

"These classified advertisements also include the address of the premises.This information corroborates the council's view that the use of the first floor flat as a residential unit has ceased.

"And the current activity now constitutes a material change of use of premises."

"Policy T8 of the Local Plan seeks to safeguard the character of the defined main holiday areas by resisting proposals, which significantly conflict with, or undermine their existing character."

The committee is now expected to order steps be taken to impose an enforcement notice closing down the current operation of the business within one week.

Several calls made by the Citizen to the massage parlour went unanswered.