COUNCIL leader John Byrne (Letters, August 27) has incredible cheek to deny making a remark at the meeting some time ago at St. Bede's about the access route to Fairfield Hospital.

Every person in that packed meeting heard me ask why the local authority had allowed the hospital to be moved before the access road was sorted out. I got the loudest, longest and warmest applause of the whole night. Everyone also heard his typical politician's long, drawn-out reply which, to paraphrase, was: "We thought we would move the hospital first then worry about the access afterwards".

He should examine his conscience very closely. The only reason the serious incidents he derided have not happened is down to sheer good luck and nothing else.

His assurance that he would be at the forefront of any fight to prevent closure of Fairfield has a very hollow ring to it. Why isn't he fighting now -- rather than later -- to ensure the retention of the special care baby unit?

It doesn't matter what the proposals contain, this closure most be prevented at all cost and fancy political jargon will not help.


Danesmoor Drive, Bury.