IN my initial response to correspondent Anti-PC, I asked if he/she was able to provide any hard evidence to support his/her accusation that ethnic minority police officers were being "over promoted". Judging from the second letter (August 20) the answer, rather unsurprisingly, would appear to be no.

Instead of evidence, we get another baseless accusation, attributed to the Daily Telegraph, that the Metropolitan Police are engaging in "positive discrimination" by "promoting ethnic minorities ahead of officers from the indigenous population". As discrimination of that sort is rightfully unlawful -- as successful prosecutions against the police have shown -- I suggest that Anti-PC takes his/her evidence to a solicitor and ensure the Met are taken to court.

He/she also argues that the racist police trainees featured in "The Secret Policeman" on TV may have acted as they did because "they are denied the legitimate means of putting over their concerns". I do have to wonder what legitimate means of expression would satisfy the officer who wore the Ku Klux Klan hood and fantasised about the murder of black people.