A REPORT in a local evening newspaper recently suggested that the rumour and uncertainty surrounding Fairfield's maternity and special care baby units is already having an adverse effect, with some local expectant mothers now opting instead for Bolton as their hospital of choice.

Bolton's hospital is concerned about the knock-on effect of this. It is always a busy hospital, and women are now waiting longer than ever for scans and ante-natal appointments, with midwives there extremely busy.

One issue that local health leaders have not brought into the equation in regard to Fairfield is that of human agency -- they may try to dictate that Bury's women use North Manchester or Rochdale for "difficult" births, but the reality is that many will choose to attend Bolton if Fairfield cannot offer a full service for them, creating even more serious levels there of the problems outlined. Bolton has already stated that it may shortly need more midwives to cope with increased demand.

It is time for health leaders to come clean with the public, explaining exactly -- and clearly -- what their full proposals entail, rather than reducing Fairfield's maternity patient numbers by use of stealth and rumour.