HAVING just read the Bury Times on my return from holiday, I feel that I should write regarding the proposal for flats in Walmersley for those with mental health and housing needs.

I am informed that Christ Church hall was not made available to "a pressure group of local residents" but that it was simply rented out as a convenient local venue for a public meeting and consultation for interested parties.

The views of some of those who attended -- as reported in the Bury Times -- are not shared by myself nor by the majority of our church members. Christ's teachings are quite clear on this subject and His church will welcome any new residents into the parish community and they will also receive a warm welcome into our church fellowship.

No doubt there are those who strongly disagree with us on this issue, but instead of slinging mud at each other, can I suggest that we reflect on some other timely words which were reported in the national press recently. They are from the churchwarden of Boscastle Parish Church:

"It's not the flood damage or all the mud that I'm focusing on -- I am just feeling blessed and privileged to be part of a caring and coping community".


vicar of Bircle and priest

-in-charge of Walmersley.