I READ in dismay the Bury Times editions of August 13 and 20 and found it very upsetting that some comments implied that the parish of Christ Church Walmersley had some connection with the objections to the mentally-ill people being allowed to live in our community.

I was approached by my neighbour about attending the public meeting and my understanding was that is was not a protest but and opportunity to inform residents about the proposal and to outline any additional support these people might need to fit into the community.

As a member of the local church -- and knowing our feelings as a parish -- I can say that we would not oppose this proposal, and would support these people by welcoming them into our spiritual family.

I have looked after mentally-ill people in my immediate family and also lived near to a lady suffering from schizophrenia. In my experience these people need support not to have people turn their backs on them. If their medication is balanced correctly, and they take it at the suggested times, these unfortunate sick people can live as normal a life as anyone.

If they do not live here where do they go? Do we put them somewhere away from "normal" society and make them more depressed? Just being ill and unable to go out can isolate a healthy person and make you feel down. It must be a lot worse for the person of unstable mind.

Give these people a chance -- it could be you one day.


Ribble Drive,

Walmersley, Bury.