A WOMAN awoken by her crying baby in the early hours later realised her home had been raided.

Burnley Crown Court heard how drug abuser David Craig, 35, who has almost 80 previous convictions, got away with a haul worth almost £2,000 as his victims slept at their Hogarth Avenue, Burnley, home, in June.

Craig, who was on licence and in breach of two community rehabilitation orders at the time, was jailed for three years, to be served after the 386 day unexpired portion of his previous sentence.

The defendant, of no fixed address, admitted burglary. Judge Barbara Watson told Craig the complainants had been greatly affected by the invasion of their home.

The judge said the defendant, who had 14 previous convictions for burglary, was said to be at high risk of reoffending. She added there was no evidence penalties had brought about a change in Craig's behaviour - in fact quite the reverse as he had carried on offending.

David Pickup, prosecuting, told the court the baby's mother got up to find property worth £1,963 missing. She discovered a conservatory window had been damaged, a security light was smashed and there were footprints on the garden chairs.

The defendant's fingerprints were found on the conservatory window and he was arrested.

Anthony Cross, defending, said Craig recognised custody was almost inevitable. He had a long record associated with heroin abuse.

Mr Cross said the only assistance Craig had been offered behind bars was the services of a prisoner listener- a fellow inmate- and he could not deal with the matters outlined in his pre-sentence report.

The barrister said the defendant was now shuttling between drug abuse and jail. Although a drug treatment and testing order may not be warranted, the court could consider it.