A BANNED driver who got behind the wheel while twice the limit could be facing a jail term, a court heard.

Burnley Magistrates were told Zahid Hussain, 29, earlier disqualified for failing to provide a specimen, had smashed into a lamp post, knocking it over. He then tried to run off.

Hussain, of Albert Road, Colne, admitted driving with excess alcohol, driving while disqualified and with no insurance. He was bailed tp September 28 for a pre-sentence report and given a technical interim ban.

Andrew Robinson, prosecuting, told the court the defendant was banned until April 2005. He was seen driving at about 10.15pm and the man in the vehicle behind him saw him swerving across the road.

Hussain made exaggerated movements around parked cars then lhit the lamp post.

Mr Robinson said the defendant got out of his car and began to run up the road. The other driver tried to stop him leaving but Hussain kept saying: "I need to ring my dad." Police were contacted.

Hussain was arrested but did not provide a breath sample, saying he had asthma and that was accepted as a medical reason. The defendant gave blood and the reading was 172 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood - the legal limit is 80.