WHEN a non-league club receives a fax from international football bosses calling up a striker for World Cup duty there's only one thing to do - put the document up for sale on an internet auction site.

That's what Accrington Stanley has done after a request for 32-year-old striker Lutel James to join up with St Kitts and Nevis.

Now the fax sent to Stanley from the Caribbean nation's football association, requesting Lutel for today's game - could fetch bids of hundreds of pounds after being placed on the worldwide e-bay site..

Rob Heys, club administrator, said: "It was a general club decision. From time to time we put things on for sale. We have auctioned things off recently, items of players' clothing for instance.

"It's just something a little different that people wouldn't have been able to get their hands on. We are not going to make a great deal of money, but it wasn't really done for the money.

"E-bay is a great way to allow fans to grab something like that."

Lutel is the first player to be called up for full international duties since the club re-formed in the sixties, and he could have joined his home side to play Trinidad and Tobago today, and St Vincent and The Grenadine on Wednesday.

But due to family commitments, the player - whose wife is heavily pregnant - decided to stay in East Lancashire. Now he may get to join his home team later in the year, for a game against Mexico.

Today Malcolm Isherwood, chairman of the supporters group, said the organisation would consider bidding for the fax, which is on sale until Tuesday, September 7, at 12.30pm.

He said: "It sounds a good idea, and would appeal to fans from away as well as local ones.

"I didn't actually know about it, but I assume the group would look at bidding for it.

"It all helps to add to the clubs coffers, doesn't it?"