TELLING police officers to mind their own business while he was attempting to assault his wife outside a nightclub landed a Ramsbottom man before the magistrates.

Michael Hayes, 37, of George Road, Ramsbottom, was before the bench at Bury after admitting charges of public disorder and possessing ecstasy and amphetamine drugs.

He was fined a total of £300, with £60 court costs, and the drugs were ordered to be destroyed.

Ian Walsh, prosecuting, said it was just after midnight when police came across a man arguing with his wife outside the Sol Viva nightclub, in Bury town centre.

Hayes was advised to stop being abusive and aggressive, but he said to the policemen: "Mind your own business".

He attempted to assault his wife and was arrested.

He was searched, and a small quantity of amphetamine and six ecstasy tablets were found in his possession.

The court heard that Hayes had a record, but had not been in trouble since he was a teenager.

Anthony Shimmin, defending, said it might sound like a "far-fetched story", but the defendant had been drinking in Bury and had come across the drugs on the floor and had pocketed them.

"That was foolish. He should have put them straight down the drain."

To compound matters, Hayes began arguing with his wife over one of their children and, because of drink, it escalated and Hayes inadvisedly told police officers, who were interceding, to mind their own business.

It was inappropriate and could only lead one way, into a police van.

Mr Shimmin said it was a shame because Hayes had been leading a decent and respectable life.

He was a hard worker and well thought of at the Ramsbottom factory where he worked and who had provided a glowing testimonial to the court.

Mr Shimmin added that it had been an isolated incident, and the defendant had learned his lesson.