THERE are few issues quite as contentious as parking in Blackburn and the cost of it.

The recent introduction of paid-for on-street parking in and around the town centre and rigorous enforcement of penalties for those who err have upset a lot of people.

There is also a problem for many town centre workers in finding places where they can park all day without having to dig deep into their pockets to pay for the privilege.

With that backcloth it is difficult to understand what on earth councillors thought they were doing when they gave themselves free passes for the town centre car park.

Did they really think traders and shoppers were going to react with anything but fury?

Their stock was hardly high after the public power struggle and slanging matches of a few months ago.

In terms of public relations alone to give themselves free parking is an act of unbelievable folly.

We are told that the passes are only meant to be used if councillors are visiting the town hall during their trip.

But in the absence of any explanation of how the use of passes will be policed it is difficult not to take a cynical view.

And to ask why our elected members cannot lead from the front and set an example for a change.