THE recent decision to place alcohol-based gels at the end of hospital beds to prevent the spread of the "super bug" MRSA ought not to divert attention from the reason for the emergence and spread of such dangerous infections.

The introduction of private cleaning contractors into NHS hospitals lies at the heart of the problem.

In the pursuit of profits cleaning staff posts were cut, direct accountability for cleaning within the NHS was dissipated and standards dropped.

There are now only a third of the numbers of cleaning staff in hospitals compared to 15 years ago.

Against this background, recent statements by Tory leader Michael Howard on this subject are bizarre, given that it was the Tories in power who commenced this disastrous privatisation process.

Only the reintroduction of adequately staffed, directly employed NHS cleaning services offers the hope of eradicating MRSA in the long term.

ROGER BANNISTER, UNISON National Executive Council (Personal Capacity), Kirkby, Merseyside.