REFERENCE to K Scott's letter (LET, September 3) about him living with the Hitler regime. Living! Chance would be a fine thing.

Dying with the Hitler regime would be more apt I think.

Maybe he should share his sentiments with the children of the Holocaust and their parents caged in the Polish Warsaw Ghetto.

There were eminent writers intellectuals and politicians in pre-war Nazi Germany who were quoted as saying, "This man will take Germany into the abyss."

The First World War German soldier who wrote the book All Quiet on the Western Front, moved to Switzerland when Hitler seized power.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 'the Christian German Pastor,' was imprisoned for many years before being executed in 1944, for opposing Hitler and telling him what he was doing was wrong.

His loyal generals, including Rommel, saw through his psychopathic genocidal nature. No-one was safe. He could have stopped the war and yet continued to bring untold suffering on his own people and those men and women of many countries who wrestled with his uncompromising brutality.

Mr Scott mentions Hitler dealing with perversion, drugs etc. Yes, sadly that does exist in our world and has always been with us since man existed on the earth.

Please Mr Scott, don't share your soul with whatever Hitler stood for.

KEN ROBINSON, Penshaw Close, Pleckgate, Blackburn.