ANGRY Colne residents have vowed to fight plans which could threaten a 20-year-old community garden.

Three-storey blocks of flats are earmarked for land off Hagg Street while another scheme could spell the end for the garden in Atkinson Street.

At a meeting of Pendle Council's Colne and District Committee, residents made their feelings known.

Residents' leader Eric Crimmins said: "I can't believe the garden is going to be taken away from us.

"We've nothing against housing but hundreds of homes have been built in our area which have resulted in capital receipts for the council and council tax, and I would like the council to find me one penny they have spent on improving the area where we live.

"Our kids are playing in streets where idiots drive up and down at 70mph and all you keep doing is building houses," he told them. "Please look at the desperate need for amenities in our area."

Mr Crimmins gave councillors a 100-name petition asking for the community garden to be spared.

Outline plans to build four semi-detached homes on the derelict Knotts Lane garage site, which covers part of the community garden, had been put forward by the council and members of the committee wanted to know why they had not been consulted before.

Coun Tony Greaves said: "It would have saved a lot of bother and residents getting 100 names on a petition. . .if we had discussed this in advance. There's no doubt the application includes more than the garage site.

"It's a beautiful little garden and we should be saying how proud we are of the residents who look after it. We need to go back to square one and let's discuss this with the residents."

Councillors had already decided to meet residents and planners about a proposal to build 18 apartments off Hagg Street which Mr Crimmins argued would not fit in with the 'unique character' of Atkinson Street.

Both plans were deferred and a meeting with residents will be arranged.