IN reply to Mark Hamer's letter concerning Wyre Council Meeting's Labour opposition walk-out (Citizen August 19), I would question as to whether he was listening to the Council business or not.

The fact that the Deputy Mayor, Cllr Ramesh Gandhi, allowed the vote to take place on a Notice of Motion without it being "sufficiently discussed" was against the Council's Standing Order rules.

The motion, a no-confidence vote in the Leader of the Council, Cllr Vincent, was proposed by the Labour leader, Cllr Horrocks and formally seconded by Cllr Irish, who reserved the right to speak later in the debate.

The only other speaker was the Deputy Leader of the Council, Cllr J Lawrenson who called for the vote to be taken, this clearly being a ploy to stifle debate.

The Labour members' walk-out was not a personal attack on Cllr Gandhi, but a challenge on his judgement of acting as an impartial chairperson.

May I respectfully request Mr Hamer to get his facts right when reporting his recollections of any Council Meetings he may attend in the future.

Cllr Norman Irish

(Warren Ward, Labour)

Hayfield Ave
