WHY have Blackburn Transport Services moved our Higher Croft bus stop outside the market? It was an ideal spot where it was, there was seating to have a rest whilst we awaited our bus.

I am 80-years-old so you can understand how it is to be able to have a seat to sit on while waiting for the bus.

They have moved us to a small bus shelter with no seating facilities.

Half of the people waiting will get soaked when it is raining because there will not be enough room in the shelter.

If you could highlight our plight in your paper we "oldies" of the Higher Croft Estate would be so grateful.

E KAY (Mrs), Heysham Crescent, Higher Croft, Blackburn.

FOOTNOTE: In answer to more than one letter on the above subject , a spokesman for Blackburn Transport said: "This has not just been our decision but also the decision of the main bus operators and the borough council who are responsible for the stops.

"What we are trying to achieve is to have the most frequently used services using the bus stops directly outside the market.

"It is early days but from an operational and safety point of view, when we have two or three buses using the same route all stopping at similar times, it is better if they use the stops directly outside the market where there is more space.

"Because there was only one bus for the Higher Croft service stopping there at any one time we decided to move the bus stop back further up Ainsworth Street."