A CORONER has demanded action to slow down drivers at an accident blackspot dubbed "Hell's Highway".

Coroner Carolyn Singleton is to write to Lancashire County Council recommending safety measures on a stretch of Preston New Road, Blackburn, following the latest death crash.

The coroner was speaking at the inquest of 23-year-old Mohammed Raheel Hussain who died after swerving into the path of an 11-tonne truck on April 2.

The hearing was told Mr Hussain, a take-away restaurant owner, of Whalley New Road, Blackburn, was driving over the 50mph speed limit towards Preston when he swerved to avoid a car pulling out of Nabs Head Lane.

He missed the car but swerved into a Royal Mail delivery van travelling in the opposite direction.

Mr Hussain died instantly. His passenger, brother-in-law Mahammed Basharat Hussain, suffered minor injuries.

Van driver Terry Gifford was trapped inside the cab. He now suffers arthritis in his leg and walks with a crutch. A post mortem examination found Mr Hussain died of head injuries.

Police sent a file of evidence to the Crime Prosecution Service but no criminal charges are to be brought.

Recording a verdict of accidental death, Mrs Singleton said: "This is a road and a junction I am well acquainted with. I travel it myself many times a day and it has caused some considerable anxiety on many occasions as to the speed of vehicles that travel along that stretch of road.

"It is a very straight road and people seem to take the opportunity to overtake at excessive speed.

"I am very minded to contact the appropriate authorities to see if the question of speed can be addressed at that particular stretch. It seems to me that there are a number of accidents there and that the authority should be looking into how this can be prevented."

A Lancashire County Council spokesman discussions were taking place with police to decide whether additional safety measures were needed.

Four people have been killed or seriously injured and 15 suffered minor injuries on Preston New Road in the last three years, according to the Lancashire Partnership for Road Safety.

Barman Terry Tumulti, 28, of Nabs Head Lane, said: "It's like a race track along that road at certain times but the biggest danger is when people overtake. It's a 50mph road but people go well over that."

Lucy Atzeni, who works at Quattro's Italian restaurant on Preston New Road, said: "It's a really bad road. As soon as you pull out cars are right up close behind you because they drive so fast - it's like Hell's Highway."

John Jackson, 82, said: "I can recall at least three pedestrians being killed crossing that road and a number of car accidents."