ANGRY Burnley residents have hit out at council engineers, claiming they are ignoring fears over a new development.

People in Healey Wood are worried about plans to turn an industrial and storage area on their doorsteps into part of Burnley College campus.

They say the change of use for the International House site, Springhilll Road, will bring 150 students and staff - and a parking nightmare.

But appeals to meet with council engineers to raise concerns have not been answered.

Now residents have planned a fresh meeting and want the engineers to listen to them.

The council has denied ignoring residents and has vowed to invite highways engineers to the meeting.

Resident Ruth Stinchon, of Berry Street, said: "Residents have had a meeting with Burnley College and the council's planning officer, which was a chance to ensure the decision-makers were aware of our concerns.

"Highway engineers were unable to attend due to the swiftness in which the meeting was arranged, but there was a strong feeling that residents wished to meet with engineers.

"It is worrying engineers from Burnley and officials from the county council are unable to meet us, especially when many people have written to the planning department."

Neighbour Roy Howarth, of Springhill Road, said: "Granting this application will only make traffic problems experienced by residents worse.

Ward councillor Carole Galbraith said: "Residents are being treated very shabbily. I will extend the invitation to the engineers."

A Burnley Borough Council spokesman said: "It is not the case that the council isn't listening to residents' concerns. We understand another public meeting is planned and we are contacting the Lancashire County Council engineers department to see if representatives from county and the borough, together with a Burnley planning officer, can attend.

"The application is being scrutinised and we are taking advice on traffic issues."

The application will be discussed at a meeting of the Council's Development Control Committee on September 23. The residents' meeting will take place on Thursday at 6.30pm at Greenhill Bowling Club, Manchester Road, Burnley.