DETECTIVES are hunting a masked sex pest who attacked two women as they walked home from a night out along a remote Padiham pathway.

The attack is the fourth in a fortnight, although police today said they are not linking the incidents.

In the latest assault, shortly before midnight on Friday, two women aged 18 and 22 were walking along what is known locally as the 'black path' which links Stone Moor Bottom Estate and Cambridge Drive.

The 18-year-old was grabbed from behind in Melbourne Avenue. She was pushed to the ground and the 22-year-old was then grabbed by the man. They broke free after a struggle and the attacker ran off towards Thompson Street. They had scratched faces and were extremely shaken by the incident.

Det Insp Dermott Horrigan, who is leading the inquiry, said: This was an attack on two young women who were simply walking home which we are taking extremely seriously.

"We believe there may have been a sexual motive to this attack but we cannot be sure at this stage.

"I know of people who have already come forward to say there have been incidents in the past where a man has been seen lurking in this area.

"I am sure someone on the estate will know who this individual is. We would ask anybody with information to contact us."

The man was between 5ft 10ins and 6ft, possibly white, in his 20s, slim and wearing a balaclava, a dark jacket and dark trousers.

The attack follows an indecent assault in Colne's Millennium Green Park last Monday when a 36-year-old woman was grabbed from behind and indecently assaulted.

In a separate incident in Burnley last weekend a 27-year-old woman was attacked which followed an attack in Colne on Friday, August 27 when a 15-year-old girl was assaulted. Anyone with information should call police on 01282 425001 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.