A PENSIONER who plunged 20ft to the ground when a ramp transporting him on to an aeroplane collapsed, died as a result of the accident, an inquest was told.

And his devastated son today told how he could finally bring some closure to his life following the tragic accident over two years ago.

An inquest in Burnley heard that Fida Hussain, 81, of Halifax Road, Brierfield, was travelling back to England from Islamabad airport in Pakistan on March 18, 2002, when the accident happened.

Mr Hussain was in a wheelchair when he was wheeled on to the Emirates aircraft using a mechanical ramp, helped by a member of staff.

East Lancashire Coroner Richard Taylor said: "Tragically, somehow that failed and he fell to the ground below which was some 20ft. He was taken to hospital in Islamabad where he remained for two months."

His son Asif Ali, of Burton Gardens, Brierfield, said: "He was very poorly and I had been advised by doctors not to take him home. I brought him home two months later where he spent four or five weeks in hospital.

"A scan showed his left lung was damaged and the doctors said they couldn't do anything."

Mr Ali said his dad suffered regular epileptic fits after the accident.

He added: "Every time he had one his condition got worse. He was completely paralysed from the waist down."

Doctor Abdul Al-Dawoud, pathologist at Burnley General Hospital, carried out a post mortem examination on February 23 this year. Cause of death was given as epilepsy due to brain damage.

Speaking after the inquest Mr Ali said: "The airline compensated me £7,000 after my father's death. I am just glad to have got some closure now so I can start to get on with my life. I accept that it was an accident. I just don't understand why it has taken two years for it to come to this."

The coroner returned a verdict of accidental death.

Emirates were unavailable for comment.