PENDLE MP Gordon Prentice is pressing the Government to secure the return of four British citizens.

The four are being held without trial by the Americans in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba.

They have been held for more than two years as possible terrorists

But now the United States Supreme Court has said that detainees there can challenge their detention in the American courts.

Labour backbencher Mr Prentice asked solicitor general Harriet Harman in the House of Commons what the attorney general was doing to get the men released and brought home.

She said that the attorney general no longer acted on behalf of individual British citizens.

But her office and the Foreign Office was doing all it could to either get a fair trial for the men or have them brought home.

Mr Prentice vowed afterwards to keep up the fight saying: "I am told the attorney general cannot act for individuals, but we know the foreign secretary Jack Straw has intervened in the case of Kenny Richey,a British citizen held on death row in America for 17 years for a crime he said he did not commit.

"Why can't the Government or the Foreign Office, or the British Embassy in Washington hire first-rate lawyers to challenge the lawfulness of the detention of the four British citizens held in Guantanamo Bay?

"Ten months ago the prime m,inister said the fate of the British men held at Guantanamo Bay would be resolved soon.

"We are still waiting."