COUNCIL leaders in Hyndburn have spoken out to reassure the public that the authority's budget is in safe hands.

Recently the borough's Labour group hit out after it was revealed that the council faced a possible half-a-million pounds budget overspend, accusing them of running the authority like 'Toy Town.'

But Councillor Peter Britcliffe, leader of the council, and Coun John Griffiths, in charge of the borough's finances, said that a possible overspend is nothing to worry about if the situation is managed properly.

And Coun Britcliffe said Hyndburn is in a good position to stave off a crisis similar to last year, when the council were looking at finishing up £1.8million over budget.

Coun Britcliffe argues the figures could be misleading. He said: "That is an overspend accepting all the financial pressures there might be. It's a warning, saying if you bow to all the pressures this will be the overspend at the end of the year.

"It doesn't take into account that we will not spend at these levels. It doesn't take into account the fact that savings are being made."

At a recent meeting of the council's cabinet it was revealed that expenditure up to the end of July showed an overspend of £24, 382 against the agreed budget.

A forecast up to the end of the year showed a potential overspend of £470,873. But Coun Griffiths, portfolio holder for resources and performance management, believes it is better to be warned of potential troubles than to realise too late.