PLANS for Accrington police to expand into the former fire station on Manchester Road are unlikely to go ahead.

Lancashire Constabulary had been looking at the possibility of buying the derelict building, and were investigating whether the idea was feasible.

But the cost of transforming the building, now an empty shell, into a modern police station is likely to be enormous, and the police have revealed the plan is now on the back burner.

The building is still owned by Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service, who are now going back to the drawing board to find a buyer.

Inspector Julian Platt of Accrington Police said: "Lancashire Police has considered the feasibility of purchasing the fire station with a view to extending the current accommodation plan for Accrington.

"At this stage it's looking unlikely that will be going ahead and the force is currently looking at all its options with regards to accommodation for the division.

"The current plan with regards to Accrington police is for the service to continue on the original site."

The historic, grade two listed building next to Hyndburn Magistrate's Court was closed last year, as firefighters moved into a new, £1.7million building on Hyndburn Road.

John Taylor, spokesman for Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service said: "We are now looking for other buyers."

Nobody has yet come forward."

with any proposition so we are in limbo until such time as some proposals come forward.

"We would have to review the situation and if someone expresses an interest then the plans have to be approved, by not just us but by the local authority."