A DORMER-STYLE extension to a bungalow has been given the go-ahead, despite being branded a blight by councillors.

Plans to build the two bedroom extension to the semi-detached bungalow in Beaver Close, Wilpshire, had proved unpopular with residents.

Ribble Valley Council's planning department received six complaints from neighbours who claimed the development would have led to a loss of privacy, raised the house out of proportion to surrounding properties and devalued nearby homes.

But the plans were approved by the planning and development control committee after officers explained the extension wasn't out of keeping with the surrounding area. John Machole, the council's chief planning officer, told the meeting: "There are numerous dormers like this in the vicinity. Also this extension is to the rear so poses minimal visual impact. I cannot support a refusal of permission on design or impact grounds."

Councillor Frank Dyson, Lib Dem group leader, told the meeting: "A dormer on a bungalow like this will be a blight on the eyesight of anyone who has to look at it."

Coun Stuart Hirst said: "This area is one in which the land is steep and it is because of this topography that this development is intrusive. It will lead to a loss of privacy."