POLICE are set to recruit 138 new officers next year as Chief Constable Paul Stephenson's vision for the force takes shape.

The target has been set on the back of the success in recruiting an extra 304 officers during the financial year 2003/4, mainly thanks to a council tax rise.

Earlier this year, Mr Stephenson said he still needed an extra 500 officers to run the force effectively.

His plea to fund the move over two years through a 25 per cent increase in the police council tax precept was rejected by the government.

But the tax level was still raised by 15 per cent, allowing the plan to be brought in over a four or five-year period instead.

Police Authority members pledged to do all they could to ensure his 'blueprint' was introduced as quickly as possible.

As a result, the recruitment of 138 officers during the financial year 2004/05 is 38 more than Mr Stephenson expected.

And that could mean the 'blueprint' being in place ahead of schedule within three years.

It is anticipated that 91 of the officers will be men and 47 women. A target has been set for six of the recruits to be from ethnic minority backgrounds.

Mr Stephenson said: "I am grateful for the support of the Police Authority in allowing me to recruit these extra officers ahead of schedule.

"We welcome applications from members of the public who believe they can bring something valuable to Lancashire Constabulary and they will benefit from a rewarding career."

Lancashire Police Federation chairman Steve Edwards said: "It is very pleasing that we are still maintaining a level of recruitment when other forces are stopping completely."

Despite the recruitment drive, police bosses are unsure of hitting their government target of having 111 officers from ethnic minorities in the force by March.

With 93 officers from ethnic minorities currently in the 3,578-strong workforce, it would mean recruiting an extra 18 people.

A police report to be considered at a meeting of the Police Authority in County Hall, Preston, on Tuesday, says reaching that target is improbable.