AS is usual on the first Tuesday in the month, the Prestwich Co-op Camera Club held its monthly assignment night for prints and slides. On this occasion there was an outside judge in the shape of George Steele (LRPS) from the Rochdale Photographic Society.

He was very sympathetic in his attitude as a judge. He said that pictures are usually taken because someone has seen something magical and has tried to capture it. The result depends on how successful that person is.

There were 22 prints and some were very impressive at capturing that magical moment. There was The Lace Maker from Derek Warren and a dragonfly Resting After the Storm, from Marjorie Hoyle, came very close.

.In second place there were two: The Railway Lamp all spick and shiny and hanging on a stone wall, from Phil Cohen, and Autumn Window, a pleasant print of a church window, from Vernon Barlow.

In first place was High Rise Living from Eddie Evans. This not only showed a block of flats seen reflected in a glass wall, but Eddie had added a reflection of that in reverse.

There were 18 slides and George was careful to suggest how some could have been improved, although several were of quite a high standard. Eddie Campion came close with his slide of a boat on the beach, taken from the front and called High and Dry.

George put Whalley Abbey, Gatehouse and Garden from Jack Heathcote in third place. With a trim off one side, this would probably have done even better. Eddie Evans was second with a very good view of The Clock Tower, Liver Building.

In first place was an excellent slide Lytham Old Lifeboat Station from Peter Hilton. Peter had got down low to include an old anchor and also windmill to one side. It all fitted perfectly.

George Steele was thanked for his assessments and his kind and constructive comments.

Next Tuesday is our annual auction night. You need to bring some things that might be of some use to other members not necessarily photographic items. You will also need to be well-armed with cash to buy those objects.

Just bring them all along to the side door of the Bridge Methodist Hall, behind Radcliffe Library between 7.30 and 8pm.