I WAS pleased to learn that Blackburn with Darwen has been named as the North West Capital of Enterprise.

Since the M65 link was completed the borough had created a good environment for business growth, the evidence is there to see over the last five years.

The motorway corridor has attracted a lot of investment, in manufacturing jobs, service industries and offices etc.

The opening of JJB Soccer Dome on Friday, November 5 is fantastic news for Blackburn as well as the construction of a super hospital due to be completed by 2006, multi-screen cinema, and more superstores is what Blackburn was crying for these investments over the last decades or so.

But Lord Square in Blackburn shopping centre is in badly need of investment to kick-start the regeneration of the whole of the town centre. The town centre needs a huge make-over for the 21st century if it wants to compete with the likes of Preston, Bolton and Manchester.

M DANNY (Mr), Wilson Street, Kirklees, West Yorkshire.