WE are appalled that Burnley Council has caved in to pressure from the BNP and cancelled Jeremy Hardy's appearance at the Mechanics later this month.

The people of Burnley area have the right to see a comedian of his reputation. We need more laughs, not fewer.

Of course Jeremy Hardy wasn't seriously suggesting on his Radio 4 programme that BNP supporters should be shot; everybody knows it's just a phrase people use. And in any case the mild-mannered comedian needn't bother taking up arms: voters are already deserting the far-right, racist BNP in droves.

The Mechanics is to be praised for the diversity of its programming; it should not suffer censorship by a party which says it supports freedom of speech but is very keen to suppress anybody who dares to criticise it. We wonder who will be the next target of their tolerance.

We urge Burnley Council to reverse its decision.

RICHARD MacSWEEN and HELEN CHRISTIE (address supplied)