TELEVISION fame is knocking for a Bury company which is to be featured on BBC's Homes Bought Under the Hammer programme next Monday.

The film follows officials from Hampton Estates & Lettings who, after buying a rundown Accrington property at an auction, completely transform the home before a new tenant takes up occupancy.

The family company, based in Redvales Road, has 20 properties in Bury and 200 throughout the north west which are all for rent.

Hampton has been involved in lettings for six years and buying and selling for around 20 years. The company was the first in the town to secure the new local authority Bury Landlords Accreditation Scheme.

Company spokesman Andrew Lightbawn said: "The programme shows us buying this property in Accrington and then going to it when its all boarded up. The film crew returns four weeks later when all the work has been carried out and were awaiting a new tenant."

The firm puts tenants into its properties and is involved in the repairs, maintenance and management of its homes.