OPPONENTS of a £50million wind farm proposed for Rossendale's moorland fear the turbines would destroy the countryside.

Residents spoke out against the Scout Moor wind farm, put forward by United Utilities in partnership with development company Peel Holdings, at the first day of a public inquiry.

Keith Durrant, the inquiry's inspector, was told it would take five years to build and would have26, 100 metre-high turbines supplying up to 65 megawatts of power.

Andrew Newcombe, representing the applicants, said the project was in line with the government's target to reduce global warming by providing ten per cent of the country's electricity from green sources by 2010.

The three authorities affected by the application, Rossendale Borough Council, Lancashire County Council and Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council are objecting to the proposals on the grounds they would cause considerable harm to the area's landscape, character and ecology.

Dr Mike Lee, of Fecit Farm, Turn Village, spoke at the inquiry, held at Rochdale Rugby Union Club to oppose the proposals.

He said: "Our farm lies within 500 metres of the nearest turbines within this scheme. We have grave concerns about the level of noise we will be subjected to if this goes ahead.

"I have spent years improving the farm to make it a comfortable and attractive home for our retirement. That will be spoiled by the noise from the turbines. We have seen nothing that leads us to change our position."

Mr Newcombe said: "This is a sensitive design scheme, which will make a material contribution to the government's renewable energy targets. The scheme is not unacceptable."