I AM afraid 'Patriot & Proud's' assertions (Letters, November 11) about Roger Bowden's earlier comments being 'racist' require closer examination.

Much of 'Patriot & Proud's' comments are quite well thought-out. However, he/she fails to consider that we once had a British Empire. Now it is gone!

The writer also states that social change should be healthy. I agree! However, this is not always the case. Does the writer really believe that communities are now better off, than, say, in the 1950s and 1960s? I doubt it.

I fail to see how the writer can call the Vikings or Normans, immigrants or settlers, when actually they were warriors intent on overthrowing our country by force.

One must remember that over hundreds of years our people have fought any amount of invaders, be they Vikings, Normans, French, Spanish, Dutch, German, Roman or whatever race. What is about to happen now is that our incompetent government is probably going to give it all away to Brussels, without a referendum.

Is it any wonder that voters are turning to the BNP?

I suspect that many people in this country are sick and tired of greedy, incompetent, self-righteous MPs, some of whom are not fit to hold office.

'Patriot and Proud' states that we need to be proud of Britain - correct! However, this is becoming more and more difficult due to certain government policies and the 'PC Brigade' who are afraid of upsetting the ethnic minorities.

Finally, whilst not being a supporter of the BNP, I have great sympathy for the people who vote for them and who should not be denigrated as 'racist' for doing so. There has always been conflict between races and there always will be.

The writer is correct to state that change should be better for everyone, but not at the expense of the majority while the minority take advantage.