I CAN'T believe the remarks of C Duckett (LET, November 12), who says there are no rats. Well C Duckett there are, I have seen them for myself in my area, a very large dead one I collected and saved to show my local councillor.

I have also seen live ones running about.

Also in my ward area we have a serious mouse problem. Many homes are mouse infested. Back alleys were all cleared on November 9. I am now just waiting to see how long it is before food, furniture and takeaway trays appear again. It's just a matter of time.

It is not the council's fault, it is because of some of the dirty, lazy people who live here. But I do blame this council for not getting tough enough.

Councillors of the worst wards such as mine, should be out and about more, not waiting until someone points out the filth to them.

They should be talking to the public and visiting the local schools and talking to the children about litter. But I expect they don't want to rock the apple cart.

H HAMER, Lowther Place, Blackburn.