A DREADFUL result was delivered in the US Presidential elections. Dreadful because the American people, although divided, have endorsed the policy for war and dreadful because this policy will inevitably widen the 'War on Terror' on other nations.

It is said President Bush is a born again Christian and this is fuelling his appetite for action. Faith, as always, takes the blame, for Bush has been well described in his character and reasoning. Obviously this comes as no comfort to millions of lives torn and ruined by his leadership.

In the recent visit by Mr Blair to Washington and during the joint speech between Blair and Bush, facial expressions sealed the mood of the day.

The rigid stare well captured on Ms Condoleeza Rice, policy adviser to the Bush Administration, remained stuck sour, a sure indication of loss and regret. We now learn Ms Rice is promoted to replace outgoing General Colin Powell, signalling the defeat of moderation.

Whatever the failures felt behind the scenes in Iraq and elsewhere, the risk is a wider war in the current policy wisdom. Does Mr Blair have the vision, so highly praised by Bush, to lend in with his support if called upon again?

N MOMONIAT (Mr), Blackburn (address supplied).