SIX new children's centres providing support for disadvantaged families have been earmarked for Blackburn.

Children's minister Margaret Hodge announced this week that the centres would run from Audley and Queen's Park children's centre, as well as Shadsworth, Higher Croft, Seven Trees, Accrington Road and Longshaw centres.

They will provide day care for young children, health services, family support, a base for childminders and help into employment, including links with Jobcentre Plus.

The centres build on existing programmes such as Sure Start, Neighbourhood Nurseries and Early Excellence Centres.

Mrs Hodge said: "It is my long-term vision for children's centre services to be available for every child as part of my commitment to ensuring children are at the heart of everything we do, with professionals working together to deliver joined up services.

"This will provide a better outcome for all children, help parents balance their work and family life and support local communities."

Headteacher at Longshaw nursery school and children's centre, Jean Bennett, said: "Becoming a children's centre will give us the chance to provide family support and an outreach service to the community - something we have not done before. We are looking forward to developing this service."