I WAS mortified and deeply saddened to read in LET (November 24), the story that the traffic-calming measures have been halted on Newfield Drive, Blackburn, due to the fact that some residents have objected to the re-location of a bus stop.

I have lived on Newfield Drive for many years, and witnessed the aftermath of Amy Houston's unnecessary tragic death.

Amy's dad has campaigned endlessly for these traffic-calming measures to be put in place, only to be told that some unsympathetic, uncaring heartless residents are opposed to a bus stop being moved.

Well so what, move the bus stop, put the bus stop outside my front door, I don't care. After all, what is more important - people having to walk a few more yards, or somebody else's life?

Every single day I witness drivers speeding along Newfield Drive, I have seen cars overturned, wrapped round lamp posts, and cars travelling at very high speed.

Who is going to be the next victim?

Which other family will have to suffer the same pain and anguish as Amy's family?

I pray to God nobody will.

So all you inconsiderate residents, who obviously have more concern about walking a few more yards, than the repercussions of no traffic calming measures, I suggest you put more effort into your legs rather than your mouths and use all that extra energy to walk those extra yards.

Remember, it could be you.

Name and address supplied.