BLACKPOOL'S Grand Theatre chalked up yet another opera hit with a one-night performance of Verdi's magnificent tragedy, Aida, last Wednesday.

The four act tale of love and death was certainly no comedy, but the forever touring Chisinau National Opera Company created an enthralling production.

The company has a reputation for its ability to stage fresh and engaging opera, so the near sell-out house should have come as no surprise. And with English subtitles on a screen above the stage, following the production in its original language, Italian, was no problem.

This newly commissioned production told the tale of Aida, an Ethiopian princess captured and enslaved in ancient Egypt, and her love, the military commander, Radames.

As if love across that divide would not be difficult enough, Aida has a dangerous rival, the Pharaoh's daughter Amneris.

The last act, including the final death scene, was somewhat drawn out (hardly the fault of the company, more that of the composer Verdi and librettist Ghislanzoni).

But the sumptuous costumes, beautiful dancing (including some young local talent as extras) and

extravagance, particularly of the second act set amidst Amneris' living quarters, more than made up for the lengthy ending, leaving you feeling you'd really got your money's worth of culture and fabulous music. The singing was second to none - a truly enjoyable evening's theatre.